It is important to step outside of your comfort zone and look outside of yourself. I took part in something new for me. I'm not sure about you but I've been curious about the spiritual Shirley Ann Felder. It used to be confused about religion. How about for you? Sooooo, last night I took part in my first Sacred Circle. With, Shari Steinman Riley. Technically what took place was a group of women came together to share their story and speak from the heart. With guidance we connected, we were given messages from somewhere something, someone much bigger than us, spirits. We joined in sisterhood to connect to our authentic self. What was really awesome about it was I took a class on intuition last month and a question was posed to us: "What part of your life do you need to destroy right now to to let the next great thing enter?" Through our guided meditation, the same question was asked. What do you need to get rid of or deal with to get to your authentic self, what action steps do you need to take? As we were instructed to ground ourselves, get rooted and handle our business. I don't know about you but how many times do you have to get posed the same message, feeling or question before you take action? We all have intuition, you know, that gut feeling but we never trust in ourselves enough to pay attention to it. Everything else is more important than dealing with the thing pushing on our chest, wrapped around our neck, poking us in the eye or pinching our heart. I ask you, as your sister, friend, advocate, mentor or your coach from this day forward pay attention address it. But don't add noise and drama to it. Ask yourself what does this mean? Does this serve me well? Is this in line with my purpose mission or journey. If not be brave enough believe in yourself enough to be the Superhero, the GODDESS, like I was last night, and mentally smash, destroy, or cut the cord. I'm just askin though, I know what I need to remove. What do you need to deal with? Two crazy girls hanging out on the mountain top taking it all in letting the universe do its thing with us for us through us. From the beaches of Puerto Rico to the mountain Top of Ulster County New York my beautiful friend Ivy Esquilin I'm just shouting out though from the top of the mountain!
Shirley Ann Felder
As a mother, mentor, landlord, business owner, recycling fanatic who owned a garbage company that did over 60 million in sales, an international motivational speaker, and certified life coach with The Healthy Wealthy and Wise Organization, Shirley mastered the art of modern multitasking and diversification while helping people realize the Greatness in Ordinary! “You will never fail you, as long as you’re real.” As Shirley provides her audience with a candid perspective, blunt honesty and a dose of reality, whether talking about maximizing the potential of raw materials or nurturing the ordinary, she knows the benefits of authenticity when faced with adversity! Archives
May 2018