My Tribes Inspire me and Lift me up as I lift them up and Inspire
"I didn't get to spend a lot of time with Shirley Ann Felder today, but let me tell you this woman is electric. She is infectious. She is inspirational. She is a force. She is "real talk". She is light. She is love. She is the kind of woman I want to be in 5 years." -Amy Stillwaggon, Owner Newburg Envelope, May 7th 2019
"I don't know how to thank you or reciprocate all you've done for me and with me . The things you've shown me the things you have guided me to. I can not repay you except by saying there is a section of my heart and of my soul that will always be devoted to you." -Joanne, June 2017
Syd McIntosh Shirley my dear friend your love of your family friends and life itself is inspirational. You continue to be a beacon of light for many with your inspirational speaking. This world is a better place because you are a part of it. Love you always. -September 2017
"I can't believe it has been 4 years that we have known each other Shirley Ann Felder. You are a phenomenal woman and I'm proud and honored to have you as a friend, sister, and mentor." - Assuanta, June 2017
Emile Svitzer "That was an amazing weekend for us all, full of smiles! You, Shirley, have the wonderful gift of encouragement and inspiration and it was such an honor to be present for the debut of your sharing of that gift with the world and I, too, smile and bust out laughing at the memory." - April 2019
Marsha Staton Sweet Shirley Ann Felder, sending you a huge *hug* - I miss seeing you in person this year. You were AMAZING in your presentation this weekend - I practically whooped at the end. So grateful for you - as a friend, a partner and as such a strong role model for women entrepreneurs. Come to Canada anytime and we'll sing together this time! -September 2017
One of my favoritism people talking right now about "Taking Out The Trash". Love you Shirley Ann Felder and am so grateful for your voice and strength! -Jenna, September 2017
"Shirley, we are blessed to have you among us. Your words and input are and we so inspiring and uplifting (even when you tell it like it is )." - Sue, June 2017
"Shirley, I'm just saying,
You inspire me!!! May you always know how special You truly are." -Helen, June 2017
You inspire me!!! May you always know how special You truly are." -Helen, June 2017
Marie Vega-Byrne Wow! Thank you Shirley Ann Felder. I truly believe that we never know just whose lives can or will be touched when we stay in the "BEINGNESS" of self. Keep unlocking YOUR brilliance Shirley! Love you! -September 2017